5 questions you should ask yourself as you begin thinking about your learning experience.
Here are five questions I'd ask anyone that is in the early stages of thinking about launching a learning experience/offering:
1. Who gets excited about the learning you offer and why? How would they describe their interest in the topic, and what resonates when you describe what you're offering to them? Can you be specific about the words that spark their curiosity?
2. What would be the smallest or quickest thing you could put out there to the world that might inspire learners and invite them into a conversation about their needs? This is so important. Please only build a learning offering if you've co-created with those who need it.
3. How much time can you devote to developing your learning offering each week? I recommend a minimum of 5-10 hrs for 2-3 months. Depending on the length, developing an online course or a longer blended program may take longer. Marketing and engagement will also play a role in the time you allocate and continue far beyond launch.
4. How will you budget or plan for your visual design needs? Have you earmarked a budget to pay a designer to build the visual look and feel of your offering? Will you be trying to learn these skills/produce them yourself? Many learning offerings fall flat because creators need to consider how the learning experience will engage with the learners' eyes/ears/hearts beyond written copy or spoken word.
5. What is the best way of creating an environment of support and motivation for your learners? It's easy to think of an out-of-the-box learning offering that fits the needs of all. People want to feel heard and seen. How will your learning experience allow space for them to work through their questions, hesitations, hopes, and dreams with the support and ideas of others?
Learning designers, I'd love to hear what you would add to this list. For those who are considering developing a learning offering, what big questions do you have?